slogan is an advertising tag-line or phrase that advertisers create to visually expresses the importance and benefits of their. 77
Catchy and Creative
Flu Shot Safety
Slogans. 1- You may not die from the
flu, but you may die from the vaccine. 2- A little pain now, a lot of happiness later. 3- The
flu kills, but will.
Catchy flu slogans Get a laugh with these funny
slogans or running quotes seen on runner's T-shirts. These famous advertising
slogans of all time have the common.
Catchy flu slogans Funny Safety
Slogans. The funniest things often occur when least expected. With that said,
slogans are often funnier when not intended at being funny.
Catchy flu slogans Get a laugh with these funny
slogans or running quotes seen on runner's T-shirts. These famous advertising
slogans of all time have the common.
Flu also known as Influenza is contagious and can give you chills, fever and fatigue. Here are
Flu Slogans and Sayings.
Flu also known as Influenza is contagious and can give you chills, fever and fatigue. Here are
Flu Slogans and Sayings. 77
Catchy and Creative
Slogans. Government Safety
Slogan Experts Confirm that
Flu Shots Do Nothing. Jul 18, 2013. 10 creative employee
flu shot marketing campaigns that caught our attention.
Flu Vaccine
Slogan Vote * 1. Please read all of the
slogans. This
slogan sure ain’t
catchy, but neither is the
flu if you get your vaccine! Funny/
catchy slogan for swine
flu vaccine? i need help coming up with a funny and
catchy slogan for the H1N1 vaccine, it doesn't. .