Naughty. An animated emoticon that shows two smileys getting naughty in their bed. A very cute, yet somewhat adult emoticon. Currently browsing Naughty Smileys. Very cool smiley, smoking a cigarette:. Japanese Text Emoticons; Secret MSN emoticons; Smileys and Emoticons in Google Wave; This list is our attempt to create a resource of all the text smileys and emoticons in the world. This should be quite useful – People currently use ASCII Emoticons. Feeling a little naughty? Want to spice up someones day? Do it with our collection of free adult smileys and naughty smileys!! To get your free smileys just click on. Aug 14, 2014. Our 564 emoticons are drunk, high, angry, violent, naughty, flirty,. You can even add your OWN text before sending, to make it even more . time: 17.03.2012 nick: amenprim texting naughty emoticon The complete list of all the text emoticons in the world : Cool. A huge directory of text emoticons, text. Naughty text emoticons How to Talk Dirty to a Guy Over Text? You love to flirt, how about dirty texting? Here’s 7 Dirty texts to use on your guy that get results!. Smileys; Cursors; Games; CoverFanatic;. Naughty (42). Sign into Webfetti using your Facebook login to access the hottest Graphics,. vShag: Send someone a naughty smiley, dirty smiley, nasty emoji, funny picture for iphone or android texting or sexting. What are some naughty texting number to text?. What are some cute texting smiley faces? :. What is a wtf smiley for texting? Basically,. super cool and funny dirty. You only have 160 characters to type out a text message. So learning sms short hand, slang, and using smileys to convey emotions, is great for those who want to cram. ASCII text art for Facebook can be posted on a timeline or in comments. Most of the will work in messages too! You can copy and paste any ASCII image place it for an. A collection of funny rude mobile phone sms text messages. These poems are naughty and slighty rude. X smileys penis. It looks AWESOME and is one of our preferred texting ones! Use it with Skype, Facebook and Email. Why don't you COME TAKE A LOOK! Smiley Stats. Who uses more smileys - Boys or Girls? City dwellers or Village people? United States citizens or Aussies? Don't know - Read our Smiley Statistics based. Feeling a little naughty? Want to spice up someones day? Do it with our collection of free adult smileys and naughty smileys!! To get your free smileys just click on. Ascii facebook text art smileys ☹ ☺ ☻ ت ヅ ツ ッ シ Ü ϡ ﭢ =^.^= ≥^.^≤ ≤^.^≥ (>‿ ) ≧ ≦. Naughty. An animated emoticon that shows two smileys getting naughty in their bed. A very cute, yet somewhat adult emoticon. Japanese Text Emoticons (Also known as Vertical Emoticons, Emoji, Kaomoji or Japanese Smileys) are somewhat different than their western brothers and sisters. Free Naughty Emoticons themed for you facebook, yahoo, msn, myspace, forums or AIM. Come and browse our large selection of Free Naughty Emoticons!.
Currently browsing Naughty Smileys. Very cool smiley, smoking a cigarette:. Japanese Text Emoticons; Secret MSN emoticons; Smileys and Emoticons in Google Wave; What are some naughty texting number to text?. What are some cute texting smiley faces? :. What is a wtf smiley for texting? Basically,. super cool and funny dirty. You only have 160 characters to type out a text message. So learning sms short hand, slang, and using smileys to convey emotions, is great for those who want to cram. ASCII text art for Facebook can be posted on a timeline or in comments. Most of the will work in messages too! You can copy and paste any ASCII image place it for an. Smiley Stats. Who uses more smileys - Boys or Girls? City dwellers or Village people? United States citizens or Aussies? Don't know - Read our Smiley Statistics based.